Come & See

Sunday Gospel Reflections

When Andrew met Jesus, he knew that Jesus was the Messiah. That's why Andrew invited his brother Simon (later called Peter) to come and see for himself. 

Come and see who we are. 
Come and see God's goodness.
Come and see how we love. 

The Scriptures — On Their Own— Don’t Tell Us Who God Is.
The Rev. Jonathan Bratt Carle The Rev. Jonathan Bratt Carle

The Scriptures — On Their Own— Don’t Tell Us Who God Is.

The Bible by itself is just a book, and the words of that book—by themselves—are not the Living Word. But when we read Scripture alongside the Church’s Worship and Service, and in light of everything Reason tells us about the Universe, then the scriptures become the Living Word. As the bread is the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and the wine the Sacrament of his Blood, so the anthology of strange texts we call the Bible is the Sacrament of the Living Word, but only in the power of the Spirit, the Lord the Giver of Life!

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