
Classes, Book Clubs, Confirmation, Prayer Groups

Deepening our faith, enlarging our hearts, and growing in the knowledge and love of God.

  • Through the year, various classes are offered on Scripture, Spirituality, the Episcopal Church (history, theology, liturgy), and our work as members of the Body of Christ living in the world.

  • We love to read books together! We’ve read A Wrinkle in Time, Traveling Mercies, All Creation Waits, St. Benedict’s Toolbox, Braiding Sweetgrass, This Here Flesh and others. Join us via Zoom and in-person for a lively and deep discussion.

  • Confirmation class is for those who want to take the next step of faith. It is also for those who want a refresher or for those who want to renew their faith. This is generally offered once or twice a year.

Fellowship and Formation 2024-2025

Sunday morning 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

  • Children through 5th Grade — Children in Worship – classroom downstairs 

  • 6th-12th Grade – Often youth group meets. Please contact Jeff Brown for details.

  • Fellowship and Formation – We explore topics from the Bible to Spiritual Practices to Climate Anxiety to Allyship. Anyone is welcome to participate.

  • Celebrate Jesus – for children up to 5th grade during worship (after the gospel and until the Peace). Meets in the lounge.

  •  Spiritual Reading Group – Deep conversations, deep reading, ending with a spiritual practice, both in-person and via Zoom.

  • Confirmation Class – an in-depth class concentrated on preparing for the Rite of Confirmation. Let Molly know if you’re interested.